The Celtics defeated the Hornets 131–98 thanks to the Bus 1 Boys

That was a game of basketball, I suppose.


With the starting six sitting out Friday’s match against the Charlotte Hornets, the Celtics’ second-to-last regular season game, the Bus 1 Boys could finally shine.


Although most of Boston’s players weren’t typical starters, we did see Payton Pritchard, the team’s principal ball handler, for a good chunk of the game. In the opening possession of the game, Pritchard set up Luke Kornet for the Celtics’ first basket by drawing a double team. Pritchard then scored seven consecutive points for his team, using all three levels of the floor.


It was encouraging to witness Jaden Springer’s aggressiveness right from the start, as he had an early impact in the box score. Even though Springer is still in the early stages of his career at the age of 21, his athleticism is undeniable whenever he plays. Additionally, spectators got a glimpse of Jordan Walsh, a rookie from Boston, in this game when he made his first three-pointer in the NBA.Vasilije Micić, who came as a surprise to Charlotte in the latter part of the season, and rookie Brandon Miller both continued to shine early in this match.


In tҺe first twelve minutes, PritcҺаrԀ wаs tҺe mоst vаluаble plаyer оn tҺe cоurt. TҺe Celtics tооk а 30-24 leаԀ tҺаnks tо tҺe effоrts оf Kоrnet (10 pоints) аnԀ tҺe 6’1 guаrԀ (13 pоints witҺ five аssists).Tо stаrt tҺe secоnԀ quаrter, оsҺаe Brissett ԀisplаyeԀ Һis usuаl аggressiveness оn tҺe оffensive bоаrԀs, figҺting fоr а Ԁifficult rebоunԀ tҺаt leԀ tо а lаyup. Ԁespite tҺe аtҺletic wing’s free tҺrоw sҺооting struggles in tҺe subsequent pоssessiоns, Һe remаineԀ fоcuseԀ аnԀ eventuаlly scоreԀ аn eаsy putbаck lаyup.

With their established chemistry on display in a great pick-and-roll that led to a basket by Neemias Queta, JD Davison and the Maine Celtics showcased their dominance in the G-League.