Looking at Chelsea newboy Christopher Nkunku For Magazine

The highly regarded 22-year-old midfielder Christopher Nkunku, who is currently on his way from Paris Saint-Germain to RB Leipzig, was born and raised in the same neighborhood, and his early career has some similarities to that of Manchester United superstar. First, he decided to leave Paris Saint-Germain, the team he has been with since 2010, in the hopes that his talent will be recognized and that he can play a key role in the first squad elsewhere. Second, he shares Pogba’s desire, both physically when he charges forward from midfield and also, and perhaps even more so, in his mindset.

Nkunku exudes assurance. He couldn’t have been more at ease throughout our photo shσσt while dressed in adidas gear, changing poses like it was no big deal at Paris Fashion Week. Who will be confident for you if you’re not confident, he asks? Absolutely correct. We then met down with the candid Frenchman, who was still playing for PSG at the time, after giving ourselves a mental pat on the back for motivation, to find out exactly where his confidence comes from, what it’s like to play with Zlatan, and how Thiago Motta enhanced his game in one straightforward step. Let’s begin where we left off. You began playing football for what reason? When you were younger, what sparked your interest in football?

activities in general and the activities that my entire family participated in piqued my curiosity. I went to watch my older brother play football, which I saw happen. I always carried a ball with me, and I would play with it constantly. After then, it just seemed right. My older brother occasionally assisted me in my practice. Then I went to a club and continued to play because I was enjoying it so much.

From an early age, did you enjoy playing football?

as a young child? No, not really, in all honesty. When I was little, my buddies and I would play for entertainment. I wasn’t giving anything else a second thought when I went out with them. You then begin to understand what it meαns to be a “team” when you join a football club. You learn how to bαttle for the team and to entirely dedicate yourself to it. After that, you’ll bαttle for a place like Paris.

What are the requirements for a young person who plays football for fun to enter the PSG academy? How did you accomplish that?

There may come a time when you become aware of your uniqueness. You begin to understand every time someone sαys something like, “You played very well,” “Did you see the move you made,” or anything like. Then, individuals stop over to sαy “Your son is a good player” and talk with your family. They then ask for your contact information and identify the club they work for. Because there are clubs you can see on your TV screen, you can tell that things are starting to become serious. As clubs like PSG arrive, the situation has become really dangerous. So you become engrossed in the game. You begin to have faith in your dreams.

Do you consider PSG to be a second home?

Sure, that’s true. Like a second home, really. I’ve lived there, eaten there, slept there, and received training there. They instructed me. Then, when you sign your professional deal there and play there, that is what is fulfilling.

When did it dawn on you that you could no longer merely play with your friends on the street? that you played football properly?

once I enrolled at Clairefontaine. Because you begin to spend more time in an institution and that kind of setting at that point. Following school, you attend training. I rode the bus to training when I was in middle school, traveled alone there, and then rode the bus home. Every week, I had two training sessions. Then it became a daily occurrence. Every day involved school and practice, with the game on Saturday. I could only relax on Sundays.

PSG and a certain culture are related. Success is really crucial, especially in Paris, and football is incredibly important. As a gamer, do you experience that?

Yes, you can already see this fixation with winning at the training facility. You must succeed. You have to win the French championship, it was told, even to the 14 and 15-year-olds.

When you enter the field, do you feel any pressure? with all of your admirers watching you, encouraging you, and cheering you on?

Not at all. To be perfectly honest, you’re so preoccupied that you overlook it. There are numerous tasks to complete, such as focusing on your game while considering tactical and technical instructions. How does playing in the Parc des Princes feel? You’ve always wanted to play football; do you feel like you’ve realized your dream, or is it just a job like any other?

No, it’s not a job for me. Every day I enjoy it. I’m fortunate to have a work I enjoy. Attending training is never a chore. I enjoy it. And yes, being chosen for the team and traveling to the stadium is undoubtedly a dream.

Exists any rivalry among those vying for spots on the team? Do you tell yourself that you need to stand out because not everyone will be chosen?

Personally, I don’t hold that opinion since I feel that when you wish someone bad luck, it doesn’t come back to you favorably. I therefore focus on myself. I would get chosen if it made sense to do so. Why should I cause a problem? I’ve always had good relationships with everyone.

How would you characterize your career to date? Did becoming a pro help you accomplish one of your objectives?

One of the biggest clubs in Europe, PSG, offers a wide variety of sights. You come across top athletes. My previous experience in the UEFA Champions League. Some people have successful careers but are never able to compete in the Champions League. I have accomplished a lot. I’ve already received awards. Some individuals pursue careers but never achieve success. Although I didn’t participate in every game, I did experience every one of those moments.

PSG has taken on several new endeavors since last year, particularly in the realms of fashion and the collaboration with Jordan. Are you drawn to the fashion industry?

You have to be intelligent to me. The bare minimum is that. being tidy. When you’re young and put Jordan on your feet, you believe things like the Jordan partnership are absurd. As a result, when you see that they sponsor your club, you realize how much bigger the club is becoming.

Do you sense the city’s residents’ support?

Absolutely, I can feel it. Every time I walk outside, I notice someone sporting PSG-related attire. A jersey, a training shirt…

Are people familiar with you?

Yes, people do recognize me. However, some people are aware of me and choose to avoid me since they know I’m enjoying my time alone and don’t want to bother me. When people come up to me and ask me to snap their picture, I oblige and then go about my business.

You stand out visually and stylistically. Are famous fashion icons or any of your teammates who enjoy fashion a source of inspiration for you? Do you offer advice to one another?

Fashion is something that you observe on someone else and then interpret in your own way. Yes, there might be someone wearing jeans, a jacket, or shoes similar to mine when I go the restroom to change. Although we can share certain elements, everyone of us has our own unique style. adidas recently teamed up with well-known musicians including Pharrell, Beyonce, and Kanye West. What do you think about different types of celebrities attracting the attention of a major sports company like adidas?

It demonstrates how well the brand is doing. These famous people add a distinctive touch. The difference is audible in their songs. They hold various opinions. It is evident in the exquisite things they produce. Additionally, the fαct that Kanye West, Beyonce, and Pharrell are involved draws attention.

Would working with a company like adidas interest you?

Yes, I would be interested, and perhaps some shoes.

For someone your age, you seem fairly self-assured. When something isn’t working, you don’t think twice before speaking. Do you believe that an athlete needs to have self-assurance and be prepared to deal with challenges?

Yes, most certainly. Who will have confidence for you if not yourself? Who is going to trust you? It is true that you must possess self-assurance. To sαy things you want to sαy, you must have your own personality.

How do you maintain your composure and concentration? This year has been both up and down; how did you handle those challenges?

I entrust God with everything. I pray because I’m a Christian.

How does it feel to play on a field alongside so many renowned athletes?

It has a significant impact on you. As a professional, I at once spotted Ibrahimovic. It was absurd. You tell yourself, “I’ll be in big trouble if I’m on his team and I lose the ball.”

Do you sense the pressure now? Does he apply pressure to you?

He doesn’t pressure you in any way, no. You even put strain on yourself. You think to yourself, “That would be really bad if I miss a pass and the other team scores.” I initially had that thought, but you soon realize that it’s typical. They simply desire victory. But they make an effort to make you feel at ease during training.

When you consider the players who helped you develop your abilities and become a better player today, who comes to mind?

My first thought is of Thiago Motta. He was here when I started to get good. I was touching the ball a lot more than I needed to. I was using four touches for an action that called for just two. And because you already know how his play is, he doesn’t like that. So he instructed me to play simply. He started off by yelling at me. As you advance, you develop understanding, and we have this understanding off the field as well.

So, did he actually assist you in streamlining your playing style?

Yes, he assisted me in making things simpler. Then there are some athletes, like Blaise [Matuidi], who make you feel at home and engage in frequent conversation with you in the locker room. also Serge Aurier.

You’ve shared a locker room with athletes that had imposing personas, such as Dani Alves. Does it assist to be among players who speak up when something is wrong, who back the team, and who maintain a pσsitive atmosphere?

I enjoy conversing with those who are direct. Someone is simply being honest if they yell at you or complain. It doesn’t mҽan he won’t laugh with you when the training is through. He will join in your laughter, but on the field, it’s serious. That is labor. It’s okay for us to insυlt one another on the field. It’s not a problem.

The World Cup was won by France last summer. Did that affect your objectives for the national team? Do you wish to participate?

Of course. It affected the entire world. When we toasted the win, we realized this. As a visitor from another nation, you witnessed the victory even if you weren’t there. France gained significance on a global basis. The nation accrued additional victories. Of course, you want to represent your nation and win championships as a player. Without a doubt, it inspires you.

What goals do you have for the upcoming season? What do you anticipate from it?

To feel like I had a successful and full season, I’d like to play on a regular basis. I desire to be regret-free. To enjoy it is my goal. That’s it.