Epic day at the ballpark: More than 1,000 students, Curry and Subway duo unite for EatLearnPlay Celebration, sparking excitement in Oakland

At the ballgame, it was such a wonderful day and experience! On the occasion of EatLearnPlay Day, which was hosted by Ayesha Curry and the Athletics and commemorated the third anniversary of the EatLearnPlay organization, more than one thousand children got together to experience the palpable enthusiasm. Young athletes from all across Oakland came together to participate in the event, which was a wonderful celebration of community.


The Oakland Town Camp, which turned out to be one of the most treasured portions of the summer for many of the attendees, was one of the highlights of the day during which the event was held. A one-of-a-kind chance for children to participate in sports, acquire important life skills, and make memories that will last a lifetime was made available to them. When youngsters from a variety of different backgrounds came together to talk about how much they enjoyed playing the game, the environment was filled with happiness and togetherness.


The event was elevated to a higher level of enchantment as a result of the collaboration with Subway. offering wholesome meals and supporting the vision of EatLearnPlay, Subway, as partners in this incredible endeavor, contributed to the overall experience by offering a contribution to the overall experience. Their dedication to the community and their enthusiasm for fostering the development of young people were both readily apparent throughout the day.



Despite the fact that there were a lot of sporting events and excellent food, the thing that truly made the day memorable was the spirit of togetherness and friendship that was there throughout the event. Participants from a variety of Oakland neighborhoods gathered together to form a large family, which included Ayesha Curry and her friends as well as other individuals. The spirit and resiliency that characterize “the town” were beautifully portrayed in this wonderful representation.

Having the opportunity to participate in this remarkable mission and to observe the wonderful effects that it had on the children and the community was a true blessing. In collaboration with Subway and other donors, the EatLearnPlay organization has developed a platform that extends beyond the realm of athletics and offers chances for personal development, educational advancement, and career advancement. It is a demonstration of the efficacy of working together against a common goal and the possibility for positive change.

As the day came to a close, gratitude filled the hearts of everyone involved. Another beautiful day had unfolded in Oakland, leaving indelible memories and a renewed sense of hope. EatLearnPlay Day at the Ballpark was not just a celebration of the organization’s anniversary but also a testament to the collective efforts of individuals and businesses who believe in the transformative power of sports, education, and community.

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The energy and enthusiasm displayed by the 1,000+ kids at the event were infectious. It served as a reminder that when we come together, great things happen. EatLearnPlay Day at the Ballpark was a resounding success, leaving a lasting impact on the lives of the young athletes and reaffirming the commitment to creating a better future for Oakland and its residents.