Ward’s trogon (Harpactes wardi): pinkish-colored crown and upper face; brownish-maroon upper chest; pinkish-colored lower chest and abdomen

Ward’s trogon (Harpactes wardi): pinkish-colored crown and upper face; brownish-maroon upper chest; pinkish-colored lower chest and abdomen. Long tail with dark blueish gray center feathers and dark pink beak. This trogon has blue unadorned eye-rings and black iris.

Pinkish crust covers the crown and upper face of trogon. The upper chest is a dark brownish maroon. Pinkish-colored is the lower chest and abdomen. The long tail has dark gray, almost bluish gray, center feathers. Light pink feathers cover the outer tail. That bill is really pink. This trogon has blue unadorned eye-rings and black iris.

Indian Birds: Illustration of the Ward Trogon, Harpactes Wardi by Soumyajit Nandy




Among the bird species, this crested penguin is distinguished by a unique characteristic

You seem to be describing a member of the crested penguins, a more extensive group. Penguins classified as crested penguins have characteristic crests or plumes on their heads. These crests lend them a distinctive and occasionally humorous look.

Among the several species of crested penguins are the Royal, Macaroni, Snares, and, perhaps most well-known, Rockhopper penguin. The charm of these endearing birds is increased by the fact that all species in the crested penguin group have crests on their heads, but having different features and environments.


Single bird underwater, captive macaroni penguin, Eudyptes chrysolophus