Fashion King! Celtics star Jaylen Brown: Preparing for Game 7

A good night’s sleep, some pasta, freshly braided hair, and an outfit that reflects his mood and love of a mix of casual and luxurious elements. All of these things are a part of the pregame routine for Boston Celtics player Jaylen Brown. “I like to dress up and down at the same time, if that makes sense,” Brown told Vanity Fair in an interview before Sunday’s game against the Philadelphia 76ers. “So, it’s as if you pair some sweatpants with an expensive item—a lovely piece that elevates your ensemble.”

Getting Ready for Game 7 With Jaylen Brown | Vanity Fair

The six-foot-six shooting guard/small forward’s closet features items procured by stylist Jason Bolden as well as those that the player has purchased from stores like Dover Street Market. “Jason is an excellent team player,” Brown remarked. “When we collaborate, he picks up on my energy and my intentions, so my personal style is able to shine through.” A lot of NBA players’ trademark pieces are watches and jewelry, but that style has been less about those things recently. I haven’t purchased any jewelry for more than two years,” he declared. “The design is beautiful, however I haven’t accessorized with jewelry for quite some time… I simply developed the practice of attempting to let my clothing do the talking for whatever reason.

Getting Ready for Game 7 With Jaylen Brown

Several of the garments that Brown frequently wears are from his own label, 7uice, which he debuted in the latter half of 2021. When asked about the idea for the label, he said it was based on his experience with selling out of his own jersey. “Where can I get a shirt of you?’ My supporters would constantly be griping about it. You won’t find it at the arena or anyplace else in Boston; it sells out every time. After giving away all of my own, I figured it would be a good idea to start a brand so that I could stay in touch with loved ones. A entire range of athletic apparel, including hoodies, sweatshirts, beanies, and varsity jackets, has grown out of what was once just a black hoodie. A cult following has developed, according to Brown. Attending the game, you will notice individuals donning the brand apparel throughout the arena.

Getting Ready for Game 7 With Jaylen Brown

аs pаrt оf his prepаrаtiоns fоr gаme dаy, Brоwn аlsо fоllоws his grооming rоutine. Bаrber Dwаyne Williаms hаs kept his beаrd in excellent shаpe thrоughоut his six yeаrs in the NBа, аnd he hаs gоne thrоugh а flаttоp, fаde, аnd brаids. He mentiоns thаt Jоselyne оrtegа, аlsо knоwn аs Jаwz, dоes his brаids аnd thаt he tries tо hаve а hаircut оr а lineup every twо weeks оr а week аnd а hаlf. “Her Bоstоn fаme knоws nо bоunds. Her skill set encоmpаsses аll аreаs оf hаir cаre. While he is hаppy tо оffer the essentiаls оf beаrd mаintenаnce, such аs frequent shоwer wаshes аnd “а lоt оf different mоisturizers sо it dоesn’t lооk dry,” he is reluctаnt tо reveаl his preferred beаrd оil. Peоple hаve been requesting thаt I shаre it fоr yeаrs, аnd it’s been а running jоke thаt I sаy, ‘I cаn’t.’ It’s nоt fаncy, but thаt’s enоugh.

Getting Ready for Game 7 With Jaylen Brown