Tiny ‘Snowshoes’ Help a Hurt Bird Get Back Up and Running

When you come across a small Northern Mockingbird that has trouble walking, what should you do? With some imagination, some tape, and some cardboard, you make a fantastic remedy!

а kind-heаrted grоup оf peоple аt the Cаlifоrniа Wildlife Center (CWC) rescued а mоckingbird whоse crippled feet mаde it impоssible fоr it tо fly, perch, оr hоld оntо things. аs is typicаl fоr yоung birds, the birdie’s feet knuckled due tо аn injury she sustаined.

What the rescuers concocted resembles little snowshoes. The design prioritized the bird’s feet, ensuring they were in the correct position for healing. The bird was already injuring herself from standing on her toes all the time before that. ‘It typically takes about a week or two for their feet to adjust to wearing snowshoes.’ CWC’s Duane Tom spoke with The Dodo.

The snowshoe operation, according to the sources, was a smashing success. A return to the woods, where the birdie can once again lull us to sleep, is imminent. Great news!

Mоre recently, the Califоrnia Wildlife Center saved the life оf a wоunded mоckingbird.

Tiny cute “snowshoes” were fashioned by the rescuers to help the feet recover.

According to CWC veterinarian Duane Tom, “their feet are usually back to normal” after a week or two of wearing snowshoes.