How Cute! In a superb move, the artist turns the greenery into dormant young birds

Nantes, France is home to Jardin des Plantes, one of France’s ten major parks. Over the course of its seven hectares, the botanical park has 5,000 distinct flower varieties and 10,000 different species of plants. The park has numerous exhibitions annually that showcase the work of outstanding local artists, in addition to its gigantic greenhouses and magnificent sculptures, which also draw in a large number of tourists. Among the well-known pieces of art is a whimsical topiary sculpture depicting nesting birds.

Poussin Endormi, meaning “sleepy chick” in English, depicts a lovely garden setting where a gigantic young bird is happily sleeping. The French artist and children’s book author Claude Ponti created the sculpture for the garden’s 2014 exhibit.

The gоrgeоus yоung bird wаs crоwned with а dаzzling yellоw beаk аnd endоwed with chаrming bаmbоо legs. The chick’s lаsh-frаmed, sleepy eyelids аre the shоw-stоpper. Tаke а lооk аt them by scrоlling dоwn.






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