Artist-Crafted Hypnotic Land Art on Beach Shores: Stone Waves

Jon Foreman draws inspiration for his breathtaking artwork from the natural world around him.


He wanders the shore in search of rocks of various sizes and shapes, which he then arranges on the ground in mesmerizing patterns. He gives the illusion of motion to the otherwise static pieces by employing a variety of stones.


In order to create visually appealing arrangements, he collects stones of varying sizes, shapes, and hues. Foreman showcases the one-of-a-kind charm of stones in his elaborate patterns, which range from gigantic circles to dynamic swirls and beyond. The more he works with stones, the more he discovers about their surprising characteristics.


He is cоnstаntly оn the lооkоut fоr аnything “different” аs а develоper оf Lаnd аrt in а vаriety оf genres. оn lаnd оr аt seа, with pebbles оr fоliаge. Using fоund оbjects like shаrds оf glаss, аsh, аnd оther trаsh, he hаs even mаde аrt in аbаndоned buildings. His wоrk rаnges frоm very lаrge tо very tiny; he оften wоrks with fоund оbjects like stоnes оr driftwооd.


At Gelliswick beach in Pembrokeshire, he adds a new hue to his palette—a reddish-brown shade. He says, “That sea-washed Brick is a great color to mix in with the more obvious stone colors like grey and brown.” “I expect to be working here more frequently from now on!” The tint enhances his already remarkable works in still another way.

In most cases, his creations will be destroyed or swept away by the elements, and occasionally, other individuals may get in the way. This has helped his work and is an integral aspect of being creative.


His website features all of his remarkable creations and also offers print sales. You may also find him on the social media platforms mentioned below.