Astonished British Fisherman Captures Extremely Uncommon Blue Lobster, Called ‘One in 2 Million,’ and Releases It Right Away

Even though scientists estimate that the discovery has a one in two million probability of occurring, a lifetime fisherman dumped the extremely unusual and completely blue crustacean back into the ocean.


After he successfully dragged an extremely rare blue lobster out of the water, a fisherman was left speechless.

The catch, according to 28-year-old Bangor, County Down, Northern Ireland resident Stuart Brown, was “a surprise to everybody.”

The amazing animal was raised in a pоt оff the lоugh’s nоrthern side and discоvered clоse tо Blackhead Lighthоuse.

But after taking his photos, he had to let the lobster back into the ocean because it was too little to keep.


It’s still out in the lough somewhere, swimming about as content as it can be, he said. If it is caught by someone else, hopefully they will return it as well.

When the catch was made, his boat was approximately 15 to 18 meters below the surface.

He described the discоvery as fоllоws: “I slid the pоt dоwn tо the crewman and he lifted it оut and said, ‘That’s very blue.'”

“Yeah, no problem,” I responded, glancing at him. However, after giving it another glance, I commented, “That’s too blue.”


“You would get lobsters out there that don’t look normal; they’d be a bit browner or redder, just something different with them, but nothing that extreme,” remarked the seasoned fisherman, who began his career at the age of 11.

“I checked Google to find out how uncommon it was, and the odds of getting it were one in two million.”

One of the “weird and wonderful things” he could finally cross off his list, according to the shareholder of the County Down seafood company.


Certain lobsters may have a different coloration at birth from the more typical brown or red variety due to genetic variances.

It indicates that different proteins are produced at varying rates from one another.

Given that scientists estimate there is just a one in two million chance of landing a blue lobster, Stuart was truly fortunate on this particular day.