Porcupine Nolina had a very happy birthday party at the Oregon Zoo: ‘Appearing sharp’

The Oregon Zoo is celebrating Nolina’s twentieth birthday. These creatures rarely make it past the age of fifteen.

Nolina the Porcupine corn on the cob

According to a release from Oregon Zoo, “In the wild, African cape porcupines seldom live past the age of 15, and when Nolina reached that age five years ago, caregivers saw signs that she was beginning to slow down.”In order to maintain Nolina’s health and fitness, the zoo’s veterinarians suggested that she go for vigorous walks every day.

African cape porcupines at the Oregon Zoo

The porcupine Nolia and her regular handler Kristina McMahon go for morning strolls around the zoo grounds so that she can always be “looking sharp.”

Miễn phí Ảnh lưu trữ miễn phí về cận cảnh, châm chích, con vật Ảnh lưu trữ

“Her walks are shorter now, and she’s not as quick as she used to be, but she still gets around pretty well,” said McMahon. “For her age, she’s doing amazing.”

Nolina enjoys eating corn on the cob, apples, and sweet potatoes when she’s not exercising during her morning walks.African cape porcupines, which are among the biggest rodents on Earth, can reach a maximum weight of 40 pounds and a length of 2½ feet.

Nhím bờm – Wikipedia tiếng Việt

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The lоngest quills оr spines оn this аnimаl cаn reаch а length оf оne fооt. Rаther thаn hurling their quills оr spines аt pоtentiаl predаtоrs, pоrcupines “rаise аnd fаn them оut аs а defense if they аre frightened оr excited.”