Playful Baby Elephant Enjoys a Giant Sandbox Adventure (VIDUE)

witnessing animals play can be as fun as witnessing kids at a playground. Animals can run, trip, and enjoy their surroundings just like children can. Recently caught doing just that was a young elephant.


Full of vitality and delight, Pymai, a baby elephant, dragged its toes around the ground in an awkward but charming way. Pymai tossed the muck around playfully, swinging side to side, like a young child playing.


This wonderful scenario reminds me of the cherished Disney character Dumbo. Pymai cannot fly, but its clumsy walks and lighthearted antics entertain the baby elephant.

About Elephants – International Elephant Foundation


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Top 10 Elephant Facts

Pymai headed toward a big sandpile after playing in the mud. For the small elephant, negotiating the sandpile resembled an exciting mountain trail. Like soft waves the sea, Pymai’s trunk elegantly glided across the sand.

Two handfuls of sand were hurled playfully by a caregiver in the middle of this sandy playground at Pymai, which sent the young elephant tumbling to the bottom of the heap. Two elderly elephants close by seemed eager to join in on the fun.

Image:Pymai’s happiness was unbounded even with the fall. Rolling about happily and enjoying a sandy bath, the young elephant

The larger elephants arrived but hardly took part in the performance. Young Pymai’s pleasure just grew as rain started to pour.