25 Amazing and Surely Extraordinary Elephant Facts

The largest terrestrial creatures on Earth, elephants largely inhabit southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Known as African and Asian elephants, these incredible beasts are very remarkable. Illegal hunting and habitat destruction have sadly drastically reduced their numbers. According to **African elephants are fragile and Asian elephants are endangered** the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Here are 25 Marvelous And Unbelievably Exceptional Elephant Facts to assist share the knowledge about these clever and gentle animals.



Elephants savor water. They enjoy swimming, diving, and surfing the waves as well as in battling them. The buoyancy of the water also gives their joints relief.

elephant mother



Elephants of female sex can bear offspring until they are around fifty years old. Every two to four years they typically have a new baby. Usually having one baby, twins are somewhat rare.Elephant Mother www.pinterest.com


There are no tales of African elephants becoming intoxicated from the fermenting Marula fruit. They avoid eating the fruit off the ground where it ferments; even if they did, one elephant would get intoxicated from roughly 1,400 pieces.marula snackwise dailymail.co.uk


Mostly for their tusks, poachers murder elephants. Although ivory is prohibited, its great value and demand from China drive poachers to keep their crimes going.elephant deathSource: https://www.the Atlantic.com/business/ Archive/2012/09/what-is-it-about-an-elephants-tusks-that-make-them-so-valuable/262021/


Their trunk is quite dexterous and can pick up little objects, like a single grain of rice, even though it is rather large and weights roughly 400 pounds.elephant trunkwise.omgfacts.com

marula snack

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The skin of an elephant is so sensitive that one could feel a fly falling on it.African Elephantschrishill. Pictureshelter.com


Not very heavy, young elephants can stand soon after birth.babycakecorrespondence.blogspot.com


Elephants have been employed as working animals for many purposes, including military ones, since ancient times. Historically, bulls have been tied and occasionally mistreated; they are also challenging and hazardous animals to handle.Hannibaldeadiestfiction.wikia.com

african elephants


The quality of elephants for outstanding memory could have real basis. They might have cognitive maps that enable long-term memory of vast areas.elephant drawing www. africanskimmer.com


An elephant living in the wild typically has a 50 to 70 year life span. Asian elephant Lin Wang passed away in February 2003 at the age of 86, making her the oldest elephant ever recorded elephantnews.blogs.cnn.com


Elephants emit many kinds of sounds. The trumpet, made amid enthusiasm, grief, or hostility, is maybe the most well-known. Up to six miles, they can hear each other trumpeting.Elephant trumpet www.johnlund.com


For elephants, touch is a vital means of communication. People welcome one another by touching or encircling their trunks. Older elephants also correct younger ones with trunk-slaps, kicks, and shoves.Asian Elephantwww. Cutestpaw.com


Elephants experience human-like emotions including loss, grief, and even sobbing. Many years after their passing, they recall and grieve their loved ones. A troop of elephants arrived at Lawrence Anthony’s residence to pay their respects when the “Elephant Whisperer” passed away.elephant herdinguishable.com


Small, thickset, herbivorous mammals sometimes mistaken for rodents known as hyraxes are the closest surviving ancestors of elephants. hyraxes.wikipedia.org


Elephants do not, as some stories have it, fear mice. Still, they are afraid of bees and ants. As a result, some African nations’ farmers line their borders with beehives to guard their fields from elephants. Mousewww.newscientist.com


Elephants can forward and backward but cannot trot, jump, or gallop. They are so weighty that none four legs can be raised simultaneously off the ground.riding manojcsindagi in elephants.


Elephants have left or right-tusks, much like humans are usually left or right-handed. If an elephant is a “lefty,” for example, it will prefer to use that tusk for tasks include fighting, picking objects, or stripping trees. Because of this regular use, the preferred tusk even gets shorter with time.


Elephants use sensory cells in their feet to detect seismic vibrations. As ground vibrations pass from the animal’s front foot, up its leg and shoulder bones, and into its middle ear, they can also “hear” these deep-pitched sounds.elephant ears: www.flickr.com


Mud is used by elephants as sunscreen to guard against UV rays. Tough, their skin is quite sensitive. Their skin suffers major damage without the frequent mud baths to guard against burning, bug bites, and moisture loss.young elephant www.jbaynews.com


Elephants have great appetite. Daily feeding for up to sixteen hours, they can eat up to 600 pounds of food.elephant facts.net elephant eating elegy


Elephants have passed the mirror test, much as human children, great apes, magpies, and dolphins can identify themselves in a mirror.