The wonders of nature never get old for us humans. Something you have never dreamed of could happen to you. This is an…
Introducing Piranga ludoviciana, the Western tanner: A male Western tanner can be identified by his flaming red head, brilliant yellow body, and jet-black…
Singаpоre аnd the neighbоring nаtiоns аre hоme tо the blue-heаded hаnging pаrrоt, scientificаlly knоwn аs Lоriculus gаlgulus. Despite their аudible, high-pitched shоuts reverberаting…
The dazzling feathers of birds of paradise have unfortunately made them easy prey, and some species in this family have gone extinct and…
Creating a flower garden that promotes local biodiversity is a significant act of conservation and stewardship in a world where urbanization and habitat…
Scientifically referred to as “Rosa ‘Pretty Lady,'” the Pretty Lady Rose is a floral masterpiece that adds ageless elegance and mesmerizing beauty to…
A natural color blocking practice is black-capped lory (Lorius lory). Its striking feather patterns finish in a stunning golden tail. Its red plumage…
The size оf а sоuthern dоuble-necked sunbird is 12 cm. Mаle аdults hаve а bright metаllic blue bаck, upper chest, thrоаt, аnd neck.…
Content producers Hummingbird got to see bee hummingbirds foraging in a private garden while on a visit to the Zapata Peninsula in Cuba.…
The imperial brilliant hummingbird is a member of the order Apodiformes and family Trochilidae. Measuring around 15 cm, it has a dark green…
Tangara nigroviridis, the Beryl-spangled Tanager The species is classified as least concern by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Size…